Putting the Philia in Philanthropy
Philanthropy is “the brotherly love of humans”. Asian societies strongly believe in bottom-up family-centered philanthropy. If each family practiced effective micro-philanthropy, then each layer of society from neighborhood, district, state and nation would have a strong foundation of well-adjusted, well-loved anchored human beings. There is no scenario of a better world that does not include more love of others as the foundation of personal kindness. However, there is more to building a moral society than just having a pipeline of moral individuals emerging from the cocoon of the family. Technologies disrupt the rules of inclusion and exclusion outside of families. Large shifts in the class of haves and have-nots defy the blessings of a good upbringing. Big philanthropy conspires to moderate the social adaptation to technological change. Philanthropists cannot do everything for everyone. Big philanthropy dreams of small tweaks to...